Red Light Bracelet 

Red Light Bracelet device is intended for the overvenous effect on blood or overfocal effect on skin and damaged organs. It is used both as an independent and auxiliary therapy.

The overvenous way of using red light is a new direction in the quantum treatment mode.

In a number of cases, it is more effective than laser: the LED affects a larger area of the body, covering a greater number of pathological points of surrounding organs.

Rays, penetrating through the skin, affect the blood, while oxygen saturates it, the vessel walls become more elastic, the amount of cholesterol decreases.

Blood is diluted, its coagulability decreases.

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Areas of use

  • Dermatology
  • Gynecology
  • Otolaryngology
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

High efficiency of use in case of:

  • Psoriasis
  • Papillomovirus
  • Cervical erosion
  • Leukoplakia of vulva
  • Periodontal disease
  • Periodontitis
  • Gingivitis
  • Stomatitis
  • Rhinitis
  • Pharyngitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Otitis
  • Cardiac ischemia
  • Hypertension
  • Vegetosovascular dystonia
  • Osteochondrosis

Operating concept of the device:

Getting on the surface of the body, the beam of light is partially absorbed by the tissues and triggers the most important biological processes in the body, during which a number of elements valuable for organs and systems are formed. They are accumulated in organs and tissues and lead to the creation of persistent physiological effects.

The microcirculation of the liquid in the cells and tissues is activated, and as a result, the nutrition of the tissues is increased.

The metabolism in cells is activated and their functional activity is increased.

The process of regeneration (wound healing, renewal and cell repair) is stimulated,

it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect,

increases the immunostimulating effect

has a bactericidal effect

increases the efficiency of various organs and systems of the human body.

It has the effect of overvenous blood irradiation

  • reduces the treatment time
  • stabilizes the disease progression
  • increases the remission periods
  • decreases the number of complications
  • reduces the dose of medications taken
  • (with simultaneous increase in the effectiveness of their action)


Advantages of usage of “Red Light Bracelet” device

  • Confirmed safety
  • In the phototherapeutic "Red Light Bracelet" device instead of the laser, LED is used — a semiconductor element, emitting red light
  • The light sources used in the "Red Light Bracelet" device leave behind the radiators of all known therapeutic laser devices
  • Affordable price
  • Small size and light weight
  • Large service life (no less than 20,000 hours)
  • The radiation spectrum and power are stable and do not change under the influence of temperature oscillations, as that in diode lasers
  • High reliability and maintainability
  • It is shown as a method of treating and preventing the emergence of diseases associated with a lack of vitamin D to practically healthy people, and those who are forced to live for a long time under light starvation conditions.



In recent years for the prevention and phototherapy of a number of diseases the effect of low-intensity laser radiation (LILR) on blood cell elements is used, which is carried out in two ways: either by intravenous laser irradiation of blood (ILIB) or by over venous laser irradiation of blood without invasive penetration (OLIB) [1-4]. As a result of this action occurs the adhesion of erythrocytes reducing, the decay of "coin columns" and sludge, as well as an increase in the elasticity of the erythrocyte coat, which allows them to pass through the capillaries with less resistance. This process helps to increase tissue respiration, reduce the load on the heart and activate cellular immunity, through the deblocking of leukocytes due to the divergence of the "coin columns" and sludge to individual red blood cells [5-6]. The most active radiation intended for an overactive laser exposure is red light with a wavelength of 630 nm.

In this paper, an experimental study of the effect of photon and magnetic fields of the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus on the adhesion of erythrocytes was conducted. "Red Light Bracelet" LED emits red light in the range from 630 to 680 nm, therefore it is necessary to find out how the light emitted by the LED in combination with a permanent magnetic field with a magnetic induction of 50 mT influence on adhesive properties of the peripheral blood erythrocytes and activity of cellular immunity.

It is known that under the influence of a constant magnetic field, the rheological properties of the blood plasma change. Blood becomes less viscous, which is also important for reducing the formation of "coin columns" and erythrocytes sludge [7, 8]. Thus, it can be expected that photosensitization and magnetic field will help to reduce the adhesion of erythrocytes.

In cases of positive effect of the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus on cellular blood elements, which can be compared with laser radiation in ILIB and OLIB, a number of advantages arise for patients, which are as follows:

  • The device can be used by a person, who follows the instructions for using it, at home, at a convenient time, and without losing time on the way to the treatment center where the low-intensity laser is located.
  • The device excludes invasive effects and does not require complicated manipulations for home use.
  • The device is characterized by small dimensions and weight. The cost of the device is relatively low compared to the laser, and it can be purchased by many of those who need phototherapy.

Screening of blood from the finger shows that when the blood pH shifts to the acidic side to 7.3 (the pH norm is 7.4), the erythrocytes form "coin columns". With age, as well as in pathological processes, the number of "coin columns" increase, in addition, red blood cells can stick together and form clots, so-called, "sludge". The formation of "sludge" is also promoted by malnutrition, the use of various food additives and foods made from genetically modified objects (GMOs) [9].

Therefore, among the urgent problems facing the researchers, the creation of equipment that facilitates the discrepancy of the "coin columns" and the sludge of erythrocytes in the blood should be in the first place. Functions of the phototherapy red LED device "Red Light Bracelet" AFSk 640/670  are aimed at reducing the adhesion of erythrocytes in peripheral blood.

The purpose of this study is to identify the presence or absence of the effect of red light and the permanent magnetic field created by the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus on the destruction of coin columns and erythrocyte sludge in human peripheral blood and the deblocking of leukocytes responsible for cellular immunity with a decrease in the adhesion of red blood cells.

Material and methods of investigation

"Red Light Bracelet" apparatus is intended for over venous blood exposure, as well as for the impact on organs and tissues bearing such deviations as: varicose veins, trophic ulcers, erysipelas, arthrosis and other somatic diseases in which there is a need to stimulate regeneration processes, provide anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and bactericidal action. In this case, we investigated the effect of the apparatus fields on the adhesive properties of erythrocytes and on the increase of cellular immunity.

In the phytotherapeutic apparatus "Red Light Bracelet" instead of the laser, a semiconductor LED is used which is an alternative to a laser and has a number of similar characteristics (the wavelength of quantum radiation is in the range from 630 to 680 nm, power is 30 mW). In addition, the apparatus creates a permanent magnetic field with an induction of 50 mT apparatus.

The impact of the fields created by the device is reduced to the fact that the optical radiator is superimposed on the vein visible through the skin on the back side of the wrist, and is attached to the arm with the help of a bracelet. The device is connected to an electrical network with a voltage of 220 volts through the power unit. A general view of the device with the bracelet and the power supply unit is shown in Fig. 1.
Contraindications to the use of phototherapy are renal and hepatic insufficiency, severe forms of cardiovascular system disease, thyrotoxicosis, acute disorders of cerebral circulation, pregnancy, 3 degrees of pulmonary insufficiency, hematoporphyria, neoplasms.

The study was conducted in the medical center of high technologies "LaserVita" in 32 patients (15 women, 17 men) who, as a result of the rapid analysis of a drop of peripheral blood from the finger, had the "coin columns" and the sludge of erythrocytes. The exposure time of the LED on the skin in case of over veins exposure was 10 minutes, then a break for 15 minutes was made to complete the process of divergence of erythrocytes and a uniform distribution of blood that had been irradiated with red light.

The blood from each patient's finger was examined before the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus exposure and after the completion of the time of exposure and interruption for averaging the distribution of red blood cells. From the collected blood, a micro preparation "crushed drop" was prepared, which, unlike the smear, to some extent preserve the congregation of cellular elements in the preparation. The state of the cellular elements in the preparation was examined under a microscope with oil immersion and the use of a telephoto lens and the "Vidiozavr" program, followed by image analysis on a computer.


Fig. 1. General view of the phototherapeutic "Red Light Bracelet"


Results of the study and discussion

As a result of the rapid analysis of a drop of live blood before the experiment, for phototherapy with the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus were selected patients with increased adhesion of erythrocytes, including 8 people with erythrocytes sludge in the blood, and 24 people with "coin columns" with different degrees of adhesion of red blood cells (the number of each group is given in the table). The most common forms of "coin columns" erythrocyte adhesion and erythrocytes sludge are shown in Fig. 2 (a, b, c).

 a   b  с

Fig. 2. Different degree of aggregation of erythrocytes in peripheral blood of studied patients:

  • a - sludge;
  • b - long "coin columns";
  • c - short "coin columns".

Patients, both with the presence of "coin columns" and the sludge, under the influence of red light and a constant magnetic field coming from the apparatus "Red Light Bracelet" after the over venous exposure and a break of 15 minutes had changes in the aggregation of red blood cells. They can be divided into three stages: a) the appearance of shorter "coin columns" and individual red blood cells; b) individual and aggregated by 2-3 cells erythrocytes; c) completely disaggregated erythrocytes (blood characteristic of healthy young people). Examples of adhesion reducing under the influence of the fields of phototherapeutic apparatus "Red Light Bracelet" are shown in Fig. 3 (a, b, c).

 a   b c

 Fig. 3. Three degrees of disaggregation of the sludge and "coin columns" of erythrocytes after exposure to red light and the magnetic field of the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus:

  • a - short "coin columns" and individual red blood cells;
  • b - individual red blood cells and some aggregated erythrocytes;
  • c - fully disaggregated erythrocytes.

The results obtained in all patients on whom the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus was tested indicate a high positive effect of the fields of the device on the aggregation of red blood cells and on the improvement of blood. Differences in the reduction of adhesion of erythrocytes in men and women were not detected. Therefore, hereinafter are given general indices for the entire group of studied patients. In cases of all forms of erythrocyte aggregation, we observed a decrease in the adhesion of red blood cells, even if red blood cells sludge were observed in the blood prior to irradiation with red light. In this case, the minimal impact we noted was the transition of the sludge into "coin columns", which is also considered as a positive result.

The following table provides data on the degree of decrease in erythrocyte adhesion under the influence of red light emitted by the LED, with a wavelength of 630 to 680 nm, a power of 30 mW and a constant magnetic field of the apparatus with an inductive power of 50 mT.



Violations of the structuring of red blood cells before and after the impact ofvthe "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus (number of subjects).

In all patients who have changes in the structure of blood after the impact of "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus, the distribution of red blood cells is similar to that observed in healthy young people. This state of erythrocytes is preserved from several hours to a day or more, depending on human pathology and biological characteristics.

Analysis of the obtained data shows that in the presence of short "coin columns" of erythrocytes before the experiment, the apparatus influence can lead to a sharp decrease in cell adhesion and the appearance of individual red blood cells in the peripheral blood. In patients whose erythrocytes are represented by "coin columns" the light flux and the magnetic field of the apparatus reduce the adhesion of erythrocytes in two ways: either separate red blood cells will appear or partial aggregation of red blood cells will remain. And, finally, the effect of the apparatus on the blood in which there was the sludge of erythrocytes before the experiment, resulted in the greatest scatter in the results. In these samples, it was possible to find all the variants of the adhesion of erythrocytes: the divergence of red blood cells to individual cells, short "coin columns" and individual red blood cells, and the transformation of the sludge to the formation of "long coin columns". In all cases, there has been an improvement in the structuring of red blood cells in the blood, even in the latter case, when the chaotic sludge of the adhesion of erythrocytes transformed into organized "coin columns".

With the formation of "coin columns" and the erythrocytes sludge, there is a blocking of leukocytes, as a result of which immunocompetent cells round off and stop phagocytosis (Fig. 4a). Practically this is a mechanical suppression of cellular immunity. After the impact of the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus and the discrepancy of the sludge and the "coin columns", the leukocytes appear in plasma lacunae, change the rounded shape to amoebic and proceed to phagocytosis. Thus, the physical impact of the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus contributes to the increase of cellular immunity. Examples of leukocyte deblocking are presented in Fig. 4 b.


Fig. 4. The state of leukocytes in various degrees of erythrocytes adhesion;

  • a - before the application of the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus (leukocytes are blocked by aggregated erythrocytes);
  • b - after the application of the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus (the leukocyte in the lacuna of the blood plasma is activated and proceeded to phagocytosis).

The release of leukocytes clamped earlier with aggregated erythrocytes leads to activation of cellular immunity by increasing of phagocytosis and the mobility of white blood cells. One of these unblocked leukocytes in the stage of phagocytosis is presented in Fig. 4 b.

Comparative analysis of the obtained data with the literature data on the conduction of LILR in venous and over venous blood irradiation [10] shows that the result of "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus using in the effect on the aggregation of erythrocytes in human peripheral blood is similar to the action of a red laser. Consequently, the combined action of red light created by the LED of the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus and a permanent magnetic flux with an induction power of 50 mT can be successfully used in phototherapy to reduce the adhesion of erythrocytes in the peripheral blood.

Conclusion. Phototherapy light-emitting diode "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus, that rendering light and magnetic influence on erythrocytes of peripheral human blood in case of contact influence, promotes a discrepancy of "coin columns" and sludge of erythrocytes. As a result of reducing the adhesion of erythrocytes and triggering a number of biochemical reactions under the influence of red light flux and magnetic field, microcirculation of blood in capillaries improves, tissue respiration restores and processes that indicate stimulation of cellular immunity occur. In the blood of patients with cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders, carrying structural deviations in erythrocyte aggregation, after 10 minutes exposure of the working apparatus, the cellular structure normalizes, which helps to relieve the additional burden on the heart and increase cellular immunity. In this paper, it is shown that the use of the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus in all cases, even in the presence of erythrocyte sludge, improves the structural properties of the blood by reducing cell adhesion. The effects of red light on the red blood cells from the LED with frequencies from 630 to 680 nm and the permanent magnetic field of the "Red Light Bracelet" apparatus are similar to the effect of LILR in ILIB and OLIB.

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