
Stress-Scanner Diagnostic Systemfreedelivery



Stress-Scanner is the best product for health practitioners, family doctors, sport clinics, health cabinets, chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths.

Stress-Scanner HRV-monitor allows for a short time to carry out diagnostic procedures based on neurodynamic analysis of heart rate variability of the human body. Long-term studies found that all processes in the human body, are reflected in changes in the rhythm of his heart.

Due to the discovery made by Soviet scientists, based on the study of the dynamics of the human heart rhythms became possible an objective assessment of the human body and the forecast changes in this state. The use of this diagnostic method allows:

  • to evaluate the impact on the body or other medical and therapeutic procedures;
  • to estimate effectiveness of any kind of therapy in dynamic;
  • to optimise the treatment process and greatly improve the quality;
  • to choose the most effective drugs in the individual mode.

This technology, called "Fractal Neurodynamics", is approved by the Russian Ministry of Health, North American society of cardiologists and EU commission and is approved for use in medical applications. In fact, the complex is a miniature "Diagnostic office in a box."

Your personal cabinet

The principal feature of specialized portable Stress-Scanner medical diagnostic complex is the ease and simplicity of its practical application.

This complex has been designed so as to make its use as simple and comfortable. This also applies to the size of the Stress-Scanner device, which is actually a miniature tabletop "medical office in a box". This device can be used in almost any conditions, including the countryside, on holiday, in the gym, in the car.

To use the device does not require special medical education. Following a detailed step by step instructions to quickly get the results of research in visual form. At the same time, to make use of the device as easy as possible, the specialists has developed a number of special highly informative indicators for the evaluation of the functional and physical condition of the body of the subject patient.

With high reliability

Features of Stress-Scanner complex allow to provide quick and objective monitoring of the patient using diagnostic procedures such as:

  • electrocardiogram registration;
  • monitoring of indicators of the functional state;
  • assessment of cardio-vascular system;
  • assessment of vegetative nervous system;
  • assessment of energy resources of the body;
  • assessment of psycho-emotional state;
  • evaluation of the patient's biological age;
  • assessment of stress level.

Quickly and clearly

Using Stress-Scanner device is possible in clear form to show the body's response on use of various medicines, health supplements and carrying out therapeutic procedures. The estimated reaction of the body is based on the analysis of changes in indicators such as:

  • level of adaptation of cardiovascular system;
  • indicator of the vegetative regulation of body;
  • level of energy resources of the body;
  • level of stress of the patient.

Thus, using Stress-Scanner portable diagnostic complex is possible:

  • to identify main health indicators;
  • to select individually the best biological and nutritional supplements;
  • to evaluate the effect on the body of medicines and health supplements;
  • to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and any other medical and prophylactic procedures, fitness and wellness.

Stress-Scanner can be used for routine monitoring of health status at:

  • outpatient treatment;
  • appointment and the use of biologically active food supplements;
  • medical starvation;
  • using home physiotherapy equipment;
  • acupuncture, manual therapy and hirudotherapy.

Monitoring the state of health with the help of Stress-Scanner complex is also extremely effective in conducting various courses to reduce excess body weight.


The composition of Stress-Scanner diagnostic system includes:

  • Stress-Scanner electrocardiogram registration module with the USB-interface;
  • cardiographic electrodes;
  • software, which is installed on the computer of any configuration.

It should be noted that the Stress-Scanner device due to ease of use, small size, spectacular presentation system diagnostic results can be used by pharmaceutical companies for the presentation of the results of medical drugs, dietary supplements, medical foods.The ability to quickly research the state of health of the patient can effectively choose the right supplements, and patients are able to actually observe the process of improving their condition. This fact has a positive impact on the moral and psychological state of the patient, enhances confidence in the representatives of pharmaceutical companies, and significantly increases the level of satisfaction of its actions.

Examples of reports

Diagnostic results in dynamic - assessment of influence of supplements on the body.

Heart rate variability indicators

Vegetative regulation assessment

Psychoemotional state assessment

Fractal analysis: biological age and stress level assessment


Stress-Scanner energetic medicine

The ancient Indian doctrine of "chakras" - magic centers' power and health "of the human body is known to many, but few realize what is the term" chakras "means actually. The attempt to present the "chakras" in the form of some organs functioning or energy sources lead us to a standstill, because in fact "chakras" and their status are in fact symbolic notation of rhythms that define the work of the regulatory systems of the human body.

Famous ancient healers, in fact, have at their disposal the only tool operative diagnostics - count changes in the human heart rhythms, which, like the sun in a drop of water is reflected rhythms of the vegetative functioning, cardiovascular and endocrine systems of the body. Notion of "Chakras" and changing their characteristics then have been medical equivalent indicators of regulatory systems. Speaking of the "Chakras" we will have to mention the concept of "Aura". From a scientific point of view "aura" is none other than the ability to maintain and preserve the harmony of physiological processes over a long period, it is a reflection of the quality of the adaptive capacity of the organism to changing conditions of external and internal environment.

In fact, "Aura" is an information component of the immune status of the organism, demonstrating its ability to adapt to new conditions. Physicians of the Ancient World were unable to surgery or antibiotics, but were able to harmonize the body's physiological processes and thus help to overcome the disease state. Recommendation "treat the patient, not the disease" goes back exactly to the days when the doctor was forced to work on the whole body to activate its immune system.

But now modern information technologies provide us the possibility compute those very rhythms of regulatory systems, which are a reflection of the so-called "Chakras". The energetic medicine Stress-Scanner software is a further development of Stress-Scanner HRV-monitor, with the difference that the device in energetic medicine tabs traditional integrated indicators of the state of regulatory systems are complemented by the display of the rhythms, which in Indian medicine are called "Chakras". "Chakras" also serve as a reflection of the quality of the functioning of various organs and the degree of balance rhythm of their functioning.

Examples of reports

Portrait of Aura based on HRV

Chakras activity map

Chart of meridians - extremely important for acupuncturists

Doshas and 5 elements