

Complex "Samozdrav"




is intended to improve blood circulation in the whole body, and primarily brain and heart. That is why this machine is used for the treatment of various diseases: hypertension, asthma, insomnia, back pain, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, migraine, constipation, and many others. Due to the improvement of blood flow and oxygen to the body of the patient is normalized his work, eliminating the root cause of the disease.

Principle: the elimination of spasm of small vessels due to lack of blood to fill the natural expander vessels - carbon dioxide (CO2). "Carbon dioxide?" - You say ... "Useful?". Yes! Suffice it to recall the well-known artificial respiration. Because we animate human exhaled air out of your body, with high (100 times than in the atmosphere) carbon dioxide concentration. A young man body itself automatically maintains a normal amount of CO2 - 6-6.5%, and with age, due to stress and a sedentary lifestyle its level decreases. Consequently, the compressed (spasms occur) small blood vessels - disturbed tissue circulation - there is ischemia of the heart and brain, increasing blood pressure, increases the load on the heart, resulting in the emergence and development of angina pectoris, arrhythmia, tachycardia ...

What happens to the body?

samozdrav how_works

Procedure with a complex "Samozdrav" 30 minutes a day

Recoverlevels CO2 in the body to normal 6-6.5%

Removing microvascular spasm with the whole body

Normalization of blood flow in all the vital organs

Life without tablets. Сonvalescence


samozdrav capnometrDuring respiratory procedures (30 minutes per day) with the simulator for several months, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the body gradually increases and reaches the norm. This contributes to first improve and restore blood flow and oxygen supply of all body cells. Getting a sufficient amount of work required for normal substan, cesorgan recovers, the disease recedes.

The complex "Samozdrav" is carbonometer allowing at home, independently determine the level of carbon dioxide in your body and monitor its uvelechenie in the application of the simulator.

Complex "Samozdrav-gift"

Besides standard breathing training we produce "gift" option, differing only in design. This option, though a bit more expensive, but perfect for a gift to your relatives.